
Interviewing Thank You Notes – Expressing Interest Goes A Long Way

Thank you notes

You just nailed your interview! You got there on time, came prepared, and left feeling confident that you are the candidate that they have been searching for. What now? It is always a good idea to follow up your interview with a thank you note or message but what content do you put in there, what length, who does it go to, and should you send an email or thank you card in the mail? What purpose does this serve? Does this really increase my chances of getting selected for the position?  

Statistics show that over 90% of interviewers liked being sent thank you notes after an interview has been conducted. It is not a mandatory requirement to land your dream job however, it will definitely not hurt your chances either. Here are some things to consider when sending thank you notes after an interview:


  • During the interview, you will want to be sure to collect Business Cards of those people you are interviewing with. If business cards are not available, you will want to make sure you jot down some notes on who you are meeting with and what they do for the company. To make the note to them more personable you can also make notes on something discussed that would make you stick out to them.
  • You will want to send this note or message to them immediately after your interview.
  • An example note or message could go something like this:

Dear Mr./Mrs. “Interviewer”,

I just wanted to take the time to thank you so much for meeting with me today regarding the position with your organization. I really enjoyed getting to know more about your company and what you do as the “their title”. I appreciate you considering me for this opportunity as I feel that I can really benefit your organization. I am excited to hear about the next steps in the process.

If I can answer any questions for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Kind Regards,

“Your signature and contact information”

  • It does not make a difference if you send an email or a card in the mail however, as a Recruiter myself, I can tell you that candidates who send cards in the mail really stand out to me in my mind because of the extra effort it took to get that to me. Not required but strongly suggested.
  • If you do not hear anything back about the position within a week, you can send a quick email to whomever scheduled the interview just checking on the status. Do not over-contact! Following up once is plenty.